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What are the cleaning methods for the dispenser?

Publish Date 2018-12-11

In the process of using the dispenser, it is inevitable that it will encounter drops of glue or accidentally drip onto the machine. If it is not processed in time, it will lead to later use. Some people may think that I wash every day, but we found that some of the customer's dispensing machines are not very clean, and the glue watermarks on the machine piece are caused by the cleaning. The glue on the machine is generally washed with water to wash it, and it is not allowed to use water to clean it. The dispenser should be cleaned with a special cleaning solution. Below, the professional technicians of the dispenser manufacturer have arranged several cleaning methods for everyone, and I hope to help you。
1, Traditional cleaning methods
The traditional cleaning method is mainly to use the solvent of dichloromethane, DMF and other volatile solvents for cleaning, the cleaning is relatively thorough, and the cost is also very low. However, this method has a bad one, that is, the toxicity produced is not recyclable, and it is harmful to the human body. This method has not been adopted yet, and it is not recommended.
2.High pressure water cleaning
High-pressure water cleaning solves the shortcomings of traditional cleaning methods. It is easy to use high-pressure water cleaning, low cost, and non-toxic. The lack of cleaning is not complete, it will produce a lot of industrial wastewater, which will bring certain pollution to the environment. The current era is also not allowed and needs to be improved
3.Environmentally friendly solvent cycle cleaning
It is environmentally friendly and recyclable solvent cleaning. It is not only environmentally friendly but also recyclable. The cleaning effect is also good. It is in line with the green environmental protection advocated by today's society. However, cleaning with this method also requires the use of separate systems and equipment. In terms of cost, it is not widely used.
Everyone in the process of using the dispenser, encountered the need to clean, can be combined with the actual, choose the right way,which not only can achieve the purpose of cleaning, but also reduce costs, reduce the way of pollution, I hope this article can help everyone

What are the cleaning methods for the dispenser?
What are the cleaning methods for the dispenser?
What are the cleaning methods for the dispenser?
What are the cleaning methods for the dispenser?
What are the cleaning methods for the dispenser?

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